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Re: Export CSV doesn't update the file when it runs via Task Scheduler


Btw, I'm wondering why the Where clause is there, it is not filtering out any ESXi hosts afaik.

Perhaps you should also consider using the Filter parameter on the Get-View cmdlet ?

Something like this

$username = 'Administrator'

$password = 'password'

$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList @($username,(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))


Connect-VIServer -Server vCenter01 -Credential $cred


$now = Get-Date

Get-View -ViewType "HostSystem" -property Name, Summary -Filter @{"Name"="MyEsx*"} |

Select Name, @{N="Uptime"; E={$now - $_.Summary.Runtime.BootTime} |

Sort Name | Export-csv C:\HostsUpTime.csv


Disconnect-VIServer -confirm:$false


Send-MailMessage -From vSphere@Domain.com -To helpdesk@Domain.com -Subject "vSphere Hosts UpTime" -SmtpServer SMTPHUB001 -Attachments C:\Scripts\HostsUpTime.csv

If you want all the ESXi hosts, leave out the Filter parameter.

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