Host: Ubuntu 13.10 kernel 3.10.0-0-generic
VMware modules fail to build on this kernel
The end of the vmware-installer log
2013-06-28 01:56:35,080] Stopping VMware services:
VMware Authentication Daemon done
VM communication interface socket family done
Virtual machine communication interface done
Virtual machine monitor done
Blocking file system done
[2013-06-28 01:56:35,542] Starting VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor failed
Virtual machine communication interface done
VM communication interface socket family done
Blocking file system done
Virtual ethernet failed
VMware Authentication Daemon done
The full vmware-installer log attached as a .tar file.
Can the kernel engineers work on this?? Guess it has to be done before the final release but it would be nice earlier.
There is a patch for the 3.10 rc kernel posted on the WS 9.0.2 forum but the author (if I read him correctly) seems to say he doesn't need the vmblock module which won't work for me.