Re: “ No Network adaptors” when installing ESXi 5.1
Welcome to the Community, if the integrated network adapter isn't supported (seeVMware Compatibility Guide: I/O Device Search), your options are either to get a supported network adapter or - since you...
View ArticleRe: “ No Network adaptors” when installing ESXi 5.1
This is because the VMware native ESXi 5.1 image does not contain the required version of network drivers for your NICs. You need to make use of the Dell Customized ESXi 5.1 Image which will contain...
View ArticleVMware workstation bridge connection problem.
Hello everyone! Im having some issues that im struggling with. Im trying to set bridge connection, but nothing works. Im posting some pictures so you can see the situation.
View ArticleCan VMware view dilivery a windows7 vm on MS hyper-v ?
Hi folks, I have a senario that need dilivery a hyper-v windows7 vm with VMware View PCoIP protocol.After configuring Connection server and view agent, RDP protocol works when connect to this hyper-v...
View ArticleRe: How to transfer ESX 4.1 configuration into ESXi 5.1u1 ?
Andre, Yes I'd prefer to go with the clean reinstall of ESXi 5.1 u1b over the ESX 4.1u1. What is the best suggested way to transfer the VMHost settings to the newly installed ESXi ? Kind Regards, Al
View ArticleCan VMware view dilivery a windows7 vm on MS hyper-v ?
Hi folks, I have a senario that need dilivery a hyper-v windows7 vm with VMware View PCoIP protocol.After configuring Connection server and view agent, RDP protocol works when connect to this hyper-v...
View ArticleRe: Выключение виртуальных машин на esxi 5.1
Она не совсем последовательно работает. Она, если не ошибаюсь, суспендит 8 машин одновременно, остальные в очереди ждут.А сделано это для того, чтобы ваша хранилка не взорвалась от нагрузки по IOPS....
View ArticlePool clones created with wrong size independent disk
Hi, I'm new to using View/Composer. The snapshot I'm cloning has two disks, 100GB for the OS (c:) and an independent disk of 32GB (d:). When I create a pool the OS disk behaves as expected, however...
View ArticleRe: Непонятная "неработа" ESX 5.1 на "железе" IBM bladeserver HS23
Подозреваю настройки свитча.Порты тагет? Антагет? Свитчей 2?
View ArticleRe: Непонятная "неработа" ESX 5.1 на "железе" IBM bladeserver HS23
порты тагет. Свичей 2.Сейчас Поставил на 2-ое лезвие серв2012 - сеть пашет. Думается мне дело в дровах.
View ArticleView connection/replica server high cpu usage in tomcat service
We are building this new Horizon View 5.2 environment. We installed 4 Connection servers: 1 standard server, 3 replica servers. They were installed on a clean W2K8 R2 SP1 environment. The server are...
View ArticleHi all i am encountering timeout error while i connect from my power CLI to...
Hi all i am encountering timeout error while i connect from my power CLI to the vcenter.Is there any particular reason for it.Do we need to install any certificate for this
View ArticleUploading OVF - Waiting for disks
Hello,I'm trying to upload an OVF vApp template in catalog, reached 100% the VM is in suspended state, and vApp shows "waiting for disks".I expelled any CD from the original VM.Any idea?Thank you very...
View ArticleRe: Hi all i am encountering timeout error while i connect from my power CLI...
The certificate message should be a warning which you can ignore.Have a look at the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet, it allows you set the behavior.You can also change or disable the timeout value...
View ArticleRe: How to transfer ESX 4.1 configuration into ESXi 5.1u1 ?
I'm not aware of a way to transfer settings from ESX 4.1 to ESXi 5.1 other than with upgrading the host rather than reinstalling it. However, as mentioned before, the vCenter Server settings - e.g....
View ArticleRe: VM info is not being displayed while using PowerCLI invoked from VB Script
Do you get the same result when you store the commands you pass to powershell.exe in a .ps1 file, and call that .ps1 file ?
View ArticleRe: view security server problems
ok, well as I can't seem to find the firewall admin, I am trying to test as many things as possible for when I do get access to him. I used NMAP to check from the security server in the DMZ to the...
View ArticleRe: view security server problems
The desktop won't start listening on TCP 4172 and UDP 4172 until the Connection Server initiates the session. Wait for your firewall admin. Mark
View ArticleDirectly check if esx host is in maintainance mode
Hi, I need to know whether there is any api in vi java which can let us know if any esx host is currently in maintainance mode ?I know there is a way to find this out through even monitoring using...
View ArticleRe: VCAP-CID and CIA Study Resources
Thanks Scott hopefully it will help me and others to learn loads and obtain the certifications
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